Saturday, December 17, 2005

Work and stuff

Started work again on Monday, hundreds of emails to read and one system would'nt open for three days. And techno geeks wonder why ordinary cardigans like me get so frustrated with technology. Anyway, started light weight training also with the intention of keeping rowing core muscles in some shape. Mostly arms, chest, back, shoulders, and core abs. Mingle my physio exercises among the weight sets and stretches. Bit sore and stiff but better than nothing, and I see it as the pavement on the road to recovery.

Saturday trains...just hate 'em. Give me commuter trains any day, weekends are packed with dawdling, drifting families, children, and general have'nt got a clue where Im going types who just stop dead with no warning at the top of stairs & escalators. Roll on Monday morning.

Whilst Im on the theme, West Anglia Great Northern or WAGN my local train company are utter tossers. They refuse to open the doors of standing trains until the unit has joined up with the arriving unit, because of health and safety ! So we the paying travller stand huddles like idiots subject to the vagaries of the weather waiting for the doors to be opened by some over unionised twat. Feel better thank you.


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