Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hi, been and gone forgot about this blog thing for ages. Therefore also forgot my username and password, luckily i sit here recovering from food poisoning so I have loads of time to spare to fiddle away and get reinstated. So, how have we all been? Good. Builder is in rebuilding front steps and pathway from previous muppet attempts by last occupier. Nice chap, American lad but his accent is now a mix of American, Essex and Suffolk so he rolls his vowels and clips his consonants, very unusual. Garden is blooming, radish crop was a failure as was carrot and onion. Gooseberry were 300% better than last year, ie 3 berries and no sign of loganberrys or blackberrys yet. Three big apples on the new tree and lots of green tomatoes so that's better. Cats are out hiding under bushes like lions avoiding the hot dusty African midday sun, they've been watching Big Cat week on the BBC like me , and have decided to mimic the behaviour of their big African cousins. Knee is doing relatively well, still creaks and groans and grinds and grates, but i do try to be careful so it won't snap into shards of calcium just yet. Deftnitely does'nt like the damp though which hardly bodes well for the future, perhapsI ought to move to the Masai Mara too ? Must go and see what the builder is doing and drink yet more fluid.


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